Student Services
Jody Conway,
Student Services Coordinator

The Student Services Coordinator provides assistance, tutoring, and remediation to Vocational Special Population Students in the areas of both Academic and Vocational subject areas. Assistance is also offered to students when registering for the ACT, applying for scholarships, applying for financial aid, and applying to colleges. The Student Services Coordinator has an open door policy to providing assistance to all students where assistance is needed or requested.
Students earn either a Full-Tuition Scholarship or a Half-Tuition Scholarship by completing ANY 2-year skills program at the Vo-Tech. If students maintain an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher, they earn a Full-Tuition Scholarship to Jones College & Pearl River Community College. If students maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, they earn a Half-Tuition Scholarship to Jones College & Pearl River Community College.